542 APC Procesador Universal | Especificaciones técnicas

Especificaciones Técnicas
Technical Specifications

Universal Audio Processor 542 APC


Measured from balanced XLR inputs to XLR outputs
And from digital AES-3 input to AES-3 output

All DSP processing is at 48 kHz, 24 bits
Model  542/AoIP has Ethernet input/output at 48 Kz / 24 bits


1-XLR3 conector, 600 ohms balanced, Nominal level + 4 dBu. Max level + 24 dBu, Software adjusted
2-RJ45 stereo balanced (compatible with StudioHUB) Nominal level -10 dBu to + 24 dBu, 600 ohms balanced
3- Digital AES/ EBU input transformer balanced ) Nominal level -18 dBFS Adjust from -24 to 0 dBFS
4-Optional digital stereo AoIP option for LAN Ethernet or Internet input

RF Input: Digital Receiver for use as FM Monitor and Audio Analyzer

VOICE/ MUSIC change: GPI Input = + 5V … +15V for VOICE mode preset (On-Air microphones)
Voice/Music switch received from console in AoIP models
Switching between all Music Style Program settings using RDS data from studio.


1-Analog Balanced, XLR connector+ 4 dBu; Z= 600, Max + 18 dBu, Flat frequency response
2- Analog unbalanced RJ45 output (compatible with StudioHUB), + 4 dBu / 600 ohms
3- Digital AES/ EBU, transformer balanced ) 0 VU at -12 dBFS
4 & 5 – MPX-1 & MPX-2 for FM transmitters (Normal & Emergency) 0 – 5,5 Vpp
Independent level software controlled, Z = 50 ohms
Differential output, BNC connector, floating ground 50 ohms
Allows 45 dB canceling buzz & noise due to ground loops
Protected for electrical storms 2 KV overload

Optional AoIP processed digital output in /AoIP models. It allows for direct audio streaming or for
AoIP connection between different studios at the Radio / TV station.

IN/OUT Control

 Remote control by software of the Input – Output matrix
Remote control by software of the Input – Output matrixAutomatic programable transfer from one input
to another when audio fail is detected


ANALOG BAL = 20 – 16.000 Hz +/- 0,3 dB
AES to AES = 20 – 16.000 Hz +/- 0,3 dB
measured below compression & limiter threshold

Harmonic Distortion and DELAY

ANALOG BAL = Below 0,005 % @ 1 kHz
AES to AES = Below 0,002 %

Delay: 3 – 9 ms depending on preset used


AES to AES > 110 dBA


> 80 dBA

Subsonic Filter

Chebyshev 4th order, Selectable: OFF – 15 Hz – 20 Hz


5:1 cancelling reduction, using Khann-Bonello system


5 bands low level expander


One Wide-band AGC and 5 bands AGC (Leveller)


FIVE or more bands depending of software version used
Standard model of 5 bands includes: 5 x AGC (Levellers); 5 x Compressors; 5 x Limiters; 5 x Clippers
Linear Phase crossover
Full software control of all parameters
12 – 16 factory presets programs


Super BASS effect and Stereo Enhancer is standard in all software versiones
Linear limiters with predictive technology (Look Ahead) gives the audience a full clean sound


Full Parametric EQ with four bands . Each band with 2order passband filter with:
a) Level control; b) Frequency control; c) Q factor control (bandwidth)


Number of bands and stages, features, etc are dependent on software version used
It can work in FM, AM, HD, TV & Streaming modes
Standard 542APC works in Five bands FM mode 0-50-75 uS

RF Interference Rejection

The processor can operate at RF field values up to 150 dB/uV
This value exceeds the international FCC, USA OET-65 life safety recommendation of 27.5 V/m for 30 minute exposure.


115 V / 230 V (rear switch selected) 50/60 Hz, 20 W


19″ rack mount. Module one (44,4 mm) // weight 3 Kg Net; (4 Kg for courier freight)


MPX output

Two MPX outputs with individual remote level control by LAN or Internet
Differential output, BNC connector, floating ground 50 ohms. Allows 45 dB canceling
buzz & noise due to ground loops
Level of each output adjustable from 0 to 5,5 Vpp


20-15.000 +/- 0,2 dB,
plus 16 Khz/linear phase filter
Attenuation at 19 Khz > 80 dB


From 30-12.000 Hz, below 0,01 %
Measured using Belar Digital Stereo decoder DSD-1A and Spectrum Analyzer

Signal to Noise

Better than 85 dBA with reference to 100% modulation
Measured using Belar Digital Stereo decoder model DSD-1A


> 65 dB at 1 Khz

38 Khz suppression

Below – 80 dB Ref 100% modulation

57, 76 & 95 Khz

Below – 80 dB Ref 100% modulation

Pilot tone

+/- 0,002 % (+/- 0,5 Hz)


RDS/RBDS signal

Conforms to CENELEC EN50067 / EN 62106 /
Control interface based on ASCII commands and UECP protocol
Built-in weekly scheduling

RDS signal bandwidth

+/- 2.4 kHz (50 dBc)

Spurious suppression

>90 dB

Harmonics suppression

>80 dB

Clock reference

Pilot Tone

19 kHz pilot PLL lock bandwidth

+/- 2Hz

Data connector: Ethernet input

RJ45 connector for TCP/IP LAN Ethernet
Text features include dynamic PS, parsing, scrolling, fixed messages,
scheduling and reading from HTTP

Data Port Speed

2400 – 9600 bps

Supported services

PI Program Identification, M/S Music/Speech, PS Program Service, PIN Program-Item Number, PTY Program Type, ECC Extended Country Code, TP Traffic Program, RT Radiotext, AF Alternative Frequencies, TDC Transparent Data Channels TA Traffic Announcement, IH In House Applications, PTYN Program Type Name, ODA Open Data Applications, DI Decoder Identification, CT Clock-Time and Date, EON Enhanced Other Networks information

FM Modulation Monitor & Analyzer

Data Display

All information is remotely read from studios or from any place in the world. You can use standard PCs, Tablets or even cell phones. Usually the first time 542 is  on Air Solidyne reads  from factory all 24 transmission parameters and adjust Modulation, Pilot tone, RDS signal, Stereo Separation and improves the lack of good separation due to SWR at antenna, coaxial cable and transmitter

On Air Measures during normal program

The 542 can do all the measures, including channel separation, audio distortion THD and background noise during the normal program of the radio station because it is not noticed by the audience
Using a exclusive proprietary technology it  works sending  to the air  very short (few milliseconds)  test signals mixed with the voice or music of the program. The digital receiver of the 542  analyzes this brief information in order to convert it to valuable data

Parameters measured

Percentage of  FM modulation in real peak, Carrier frequency, Percentage of 19 kHz pilot tone,  Percentage of RDS subcarrier, RF level input (dBuV), Multipath (%), L & R Audio level, L & R Stereo channel separation (dB), Transmitter and aerial harmonic distortion (THD at 1 KHz),  Carrier offset, Ultrasonic Noise (dB Ref carrier), SR at 200 KHz offset from carrier, High and Low side SR at 100 kHz deviation, RDS bit error %, RDS data RT, PS,PTY,PI

Full transmission parameters chart

All transmission parameters data is recorded at a TXT file that can be sent  by mail to  the engineering department or to the government control authority as a proof of the good transmission quality. Even small damages of coaxial cable or antenna  dipoles after storms  are detected by the reduction of stereo channel separation.

Radiated Power Chart

The range of a FM radio stations depend on the effective radiated power of the transmitter. The Modulation Analyzer creates continuously a chart of the radiated power. It can be seen at the PC that controls the 542.
Using this unit in European countries it complies with ITU BS 412 standard of reduced RMS power to avoid interference with near frequency FM stations

Automatic mailing of troubles

The 542 internal FM modulation monitor can be settled to send to the station manager or engineer a mail to their  PC or Cell Phone in order to inform them about over modulation or 3 sec silence

You will ever be sure about the correct performance of your FM station

03-espn arg.png
08-RadioBicentenario - Tucuman.png
10-RADIO MARANATHA 977 - Perú.png
11-Radio Fiesta FM Madrid.png
12-RadioA - Mendoza.png
14-Onda Aranjuez - Madrid.png